Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
Tips ‘Memanasi’ Motor SE atau Enduro yang Masih baru
Motor trail sekelas SE (special engine – sebutan di Indonesia yang kerap dipakai untuk menyebut motor tipe cross) atau enduro yang dirancang untuk “bekerja keras” ternyata tetap perlu masa ‘break-in’ atau pemanasan ketika motor masih baru. Motor yang baru keluar dari deler, tidak bisa langsung digeber begitu saja di jalur offroad. Perlu masa-masa “pemanasan” yang disebut masa ‘break-in’, ini agar usia mesin motor bisa lebih awet. Maklum kalau mesin motor enduro atau SE jebol, hemmm sudah kebayangkan berapa duit yang akan dikeluarkan untuk memperbaikinya.
Berikut tips memanasi motor SE /enduro di masa-masa ‘Break-in’:
• Ketika motor SE/enduro yang masih gress itu sampai di garasi anda, cek dulu ketersediaan oli mesin, air radiator dan bensin.
• Setelah itu hidupkan motor sampai mesinnya hangat, tidak usah digeber-geber gasnya.
• Kendarai motor selama 20 menit dengan bukaan gas kira-kira ½ dari bukaan gas penuh. Jadi kendarai dengan santai dulu, tidak perlu nafsu untuk membetot gasnya terlalu kencang.
• Setelah 20 menit mengendarai, berhenti dulu, biarkan mesin dingin. Kemudian cek baut-baut dan ketinggian oli mesin.
• Hidupkan lagi motor dan kendarai selama 40 menit dengan bukaan gas ¾ dari bukaan penuh.
• Berhenti dan biarkan mesin sampai dingin dengan sempurna. Cek barangkali ada mur baut yang kendor, ketegangan rantai dan jeruji.
• Ganti oli, dan khusus motor 4 tak perlu juga diganti filter oli-nya.
• Setelah masa ‘break-in’ ini, motor sudah siap anda betot gasnya sekencang mungkin, namun tetap perlu diingat batas kemampuan anda dalam mengendarainya.
Semoga bermanfaat, selamat mengendarai motor anda!
Sumber :
4 Tips for Preparing Your Dirt Bike for Resale
If you decide to sell your used dirt bike there are a few tips you can
follow that will help you give the prospective buyer a good impression
and not force a substantial drop in your asking price. Here are a few of
those tips:
-Clean It Thoroughly
-Check for Wear and Tear
-Change the Tires
-Perform a Safety Check
Clean It Thoroughly
It might be cool to have a prospective buyer come to your house, and see a dirt bike covered in mud. You want them to see that you use the bike regularly, but this could be just the thing that turns them off. A buyer wants to see the bike, not the dirt. Cleaning it up will give the buyer an impression the bike has been taken care of and not neglected. Clean the dirt bike so it shines like it did when you bought it new.
A clean dirt bike is the best way to give a prospective buyer a good first impression.
Check for Wear and Tear
The best way to get top dollar for your used dirt bike is to take the time to check for wear and tear. When you find things such as; bent spokes, split cables or a ripped seat, take a few bucks and repair them. You can then pass on the cost by increasing the resale price. If you let these things go without repair you may not get as much as you want for the bike or you may lose the sale completely.
You can get a better price and sell the bike quicker if you are willing to spend a few dollars to repair obvious defects of the bike.
Change the Tires
The condition of the tires is one of the first things that a prospective buyer is going to see. If you have spares that are in better shape then the ones currently on the bike, change them. This will make the dirt bike more appealing and you will be able to recoup the cost of the better tires with an increase in the selling price. Otherwise the buyer is going to want to reduce the price of the bike right from the start even if you priced it at rock bottom.
Worn, stripped or damaged tires will immediately bring the price of the dirt bike down if they are not replaced.
Perform a Safety Check
After you have cleaned up the bike you will want to double check to be certain everything is working properly. Check the throttle cable, lights, and brakes; this way when the prospective buyer asks to start up the bike, they all work. In the buyer's mind if something doesn't work, it will cost them money, and this will bring the price of the bike down in their mind. By double checking you will be certain all systems are go, and can get your asking price for the bike.
Check all the dirt bike safety features be the buyer arrives so you can be certain they are operating properly.
-Clean It Thoroughly
-Check for Wear and Tear
-Change the Tires
-Perform a Safety Check
Clean It Thoroughly
It might be cool to have a prospective buyer come to your house, and see a dirt bike covered in mud. You want them to see that you use the bike regularly, but this could be just the thing that turns them off. A buyer wants to see the bike, not the dirt. Cleaning it up will give the buyer an impression the bike has been taken care of and not neglected. Clean the dirt bike so it shines like it did when you bought it new.
A clean dirt bike is the best way to give a prospective buyer a good first impression.
Check for Wear and Tear
The best way to get top dollar for your used dirt bike is to take the time to check for wear and tear. When you find things such as; bent spokes, split cables or a ripped seat, take a few bucks and repair them. You can then pass on the cost by increasing the resale price. If you let these things go without repair you may not get as much as you want for the bike or you may lose the sale completely.
You can get a better price and sell the bike quicker if you are willing to spend a few dollars to repair obvious defects of the bike.
Change the Tires
The condition of the tires is one of the first things that a prospective buyer is going to see. If you have spares that are in better shape then the ones currently on the bike, change them. This will make the dirt bike more appealing and you will be able to recoup the cost of the better tires with an increase in the selling price. Otherwise the buyer is going to want to reduce the price of the bike right from the start even if you priced it at rock bottom.
Worn, stripped or damaged tires will immediately bring the price of the dirt bike down if they are not replaced.
Perform a Safety Check
After you have cleaned up the bike you will want to double check to be certain everything is working properly. Check the throttle cable, lights, and brakes; this way when the prospective buyer asks to start up the bike, they all work. In the buyer's mind if something doesn't work, it will cost them money, and this will bring the price of the bike down in their mind. By double checking you will be certain all systems are go, and can get your asking price for the bike.
Check all the dirt bike safety features be the buyer arrives so you can be certain they are operating properly.
Bandung kota tujuan Wisata Sewa Motorcross, pusat seni, rehat & oleh oleh / Bandung Tourism destinations, arts center, breaks and by oleh oleh
Kota Bandung menyediakan paket wisata sewamotorcros motortrail,booking H-7 cp wilman 08552317700 pin 74A0D245
Kota Bandung yang dikenal sebagai kota kembang merupakan kota terbesar ketiga di Indonesia. Luas daerah kota Bandung sekitar 17000 ha dengan keragaman potensi daerah yang memukau. Bandung purba merupakan sebuah danau yang dikelilingi pegunungan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan keberadaan peninggalan sejarah pemukiman purba yang banyak ditemukan di dataran tinggi utara. Lambat laun danau ini menyusut hingga terbentuklah sebuah kota indah yang hingga kini disebut dengan Bandung.
Kota Bandung yang dikenal sebagai kota kembang merupakan kota terbesar ketiga di Indonesia. Luas daerah kota Bandung sekitar 17000 ha dengan keragaman potensi daerah yang memukau. Bandung purba merupakan sebuah danau yang dikelilingi pegunungan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan keberadaan peninggalan sejarah pemukiman purba yang banyak ditemukan di dataran tinggi utara. Lambat laun danau ini menyusut hingga terbentuklah sebuah kota indah yang hingga kini disebut dengan Bandung.
Secara geografis posisi kota Bandung cukup dekat dengan ibukota negara,
Jakarta. Jarak Bandung sekitar 180 km arah selatan dari Jakarta. Bandung
terletak pada 107°36? BT dan 6°55? LS, dengan ketinggian 1050 m di atas
permukaan laut (untuk bagian utara) dan 675 m di atas permukaan laut di bagian
selatan. Temperatur rata-rata berkisar antara 18°C sampai 30°C dengan
kelembaban rata-rata 70%, dan rata-rata curah hujan pertahun 178,6 mm.
Braga,salah satu jalan di kota Bandung, sempat dikenal luas di dunia
sebagai pusat mode dan kuliner yang khas sehingga julukan Paris Van Java pun
layak disandang Bandung. Bandung juga menjadi kota sejarah yang sangat penting
bagi negara – negara Asia Afrika karena 53 tahun yang lalu diadakan Konferensi
Asia Afrika yang berperan penting dalam sejarah kemajuan perdamaian dunia.
Ngomongin wisata di Indonesia, belum lengkap tampaknya kalau belum
ngomongin Bandung. Bukan rahasia lagi kalau ibu kota provinsi Jawa Barat yang
dikenal dengan sebutan “ Kota Kembang “ ini menjadi salah satu “ target “
liburan wisatawan domestik maupun wisatawan mancanegara. Ribuan wisatawan
mengunjungi Bandung tiap akhir pekan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kondisi kota
Bandung di akhir pekan yang selalu ramai, Sebagai salah satu kota tujuan
wisata, Bandung menawarkan berbagai alternatif wisata yang bisa dinikmati,
mulai dari wisata alam, wisata motorcross,offroad mobil,wisata belanja, hingga wisata kuliner.
Wisata alam yang dapat kita nikmati di daerah Bandung Utara dengan
ketinggian rata- rata ± 1050 m dpl diantaranya Lembang,cibodas maribaya, bukit tunggul,Gunung Putri Gunung Manglayang dan Tangkuban Parahu dengan
cerita rakyat unik yang menyertainya, serta pemandian air panas alam di Ciater
dengan hamparan hijau kebun teh yang indah dipandang mata. Kawasan Bandung
Selatan juga “menyajikan” objek wisata yang tak kalah menariknya, diantaranya Gunung Malabar,Gunung Puntang,Suasana alami
Kawah Putih serta sejuknya hawa Situ Patenggang sangat tepat bagi anda untuk
melepas penat dan lelah.
Penduduk Bandung yang ramah dan memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi pun
menjadi daya tarik Bandung. Bandung dikenal sebagai pelopor trend terbaru
seperti dalam hal kuliner, mode maupun musik. Dalam hal musikalitas misalnya,
anak muda Bandung selalu mencetak band-band dan penyanyi yang berkualitas
sehingga even musik pun tiap pekannya selalu ada di Kota Bandung. Untuk anda
yang hobi belanja, Bandung bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat surga belanja anda.
Berbagai factory outlet dan distro tersebar di sepanjang jalan Juanda ( Dago ),
jalan Riau ( R. E . Martadinata ), dan jalan Setiabudi, serta Cihampelas bagi
pecinta jeans. Berbagai resto, rumah makan, dan café yang tersebar di seluruh
penjuru kota Bandung menawarkan berbagai menu kuliner lokal khas Bandung hingga
menu Internasional yang sayang untuk anda lewatkan.
Jumlah wisatawan yang mendatangi Kota
Bandung pada liburan panjang pekan ini diperkirakan mencapai 30.000 orang per
hari. Jumlah tersebut tergolong normal, jika dibandingkan dengan rata-rata
pengunjung setiap liburan panjang sebesar 80.000 orang per hari.Demikian dikatakan oleh Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Kota Bandung Prijo Soebiandono, ketika ditemui di sela-sela acara pemecahan rekor Muri untuk pembuatan mi kocok Bandung, di Lapangan Tegallega Bandung, Sabtu (23/4) pagi. "Itu disebabkan karena banyak anak-anak yang melaksanakan ujian nasional pekan depan, serta ada juga yang akan mengikuti ulangan umum," kata Prijo
Bagi Anda yeng menyukai wisata Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya dengan mengendarai motorcross, kami menyediakan paket wisata motorcross dengan 3 pilihan paket menarik melalui jalur jalur kaki gunung, baik di wilayah utara, selatan, timur ataupun barat
Jenis Motor Suzuki TS 125cc
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0855 231 7700
pin BB 27EB3B51
Bandung is known as the city flower is the third largest city in Indonesia. Bandung area of approximately 17000 ha with the potential diversity of views. Bandung is an ancient lake surrounded by mountains. This is evidenced by the existence of an ancient settlement of heritage which are found in the northern highlands. This lake is slowly shrinking until forming a beautiful city that has so far called Bandung.In geographical position of the city of Bandung is quite close to the country's capital, Jakarta. Bandung distance about 180 km south of Jakarta. Bandung is located at 107 ° 36? BT and 6 ° 55? LS, with a height of 1050 m above sea level (to the north) and 675 m above sea level in the south. Average temperature ranges between 18 ° C to 30 ° C with average humidity of 70%, and average annual rainfall is 178.6 mm.Braga, one of the streets in the city of Bandung, was widely known in the world as a center of fashion and cuisine typical to the nickname Paris Van Java Bandung was carried feasible. Bandung is also a historical city which is very important for the country - Asian and African countries since 53 years ago the Asian-African Conference, which plays an important role in the history of the advancement of world peace.Talking about tourism in Indonesia, not complete yet it seems that talking about London. It's no secret that the capital of West Java province, known as the "Flower City" has become one of the "target" holidays by domestic and foreign tourists. Thousands of tourists visit London every weekend. This is evidenced by the condition of the city of Bandung on the weekends are always busy, As one tourist destination, New York offers a variety of travel alternatives that can be enjoyed from nature tourism, motocross, offroad cars, shopping, to the culinary tour.Natural attractions that we enjoy in the North London area with an average altitude of ± 1050 m above sea level among Lembang, Cibodas Maribaya, stump hill, Mount Gunung Putri Manglayang and Tangkuban Parahu with unique folklore attached to them, as well as natural hot spring baths in Ciater with green carpet of tea gardens are beautiful to the eye. South London area is also "presents" attraction that is not less interesting, such as Mount Malabar, Mt Puntang, natural atmosphere and the cool air Crater White Situ very appropriate for you to unwind and tired.Bandung residents are friendly and have high creativity was the main attraction of London. Bandung is known as a pioneer of the latest trends as in the culinary, fashion and music. In terms of musicality, for example, London younger children always print bands and singers of quality so that even the music was always there every weekend in the city of Bandung. For those of you who like shopping, New York could be the right choice your shopping paradise. A variety of factory outlets and distros scattered along the road Juanda (Dago), Riau road (R. E. Martadinata), and the way Setiabudi, and Cihampelas for jeans lovers. A variety of restaurants, restaurants, and cafes are scattered throughout the city of Bandung offers a variety of typical local culinary menu to menu Bandung International is a shame to miss you.
The number of tourists who visit the city of Bandung on a long holiday weekend was estimated at 30,000 people per day. The amount is quite normal, when compared with the average length of holiday visitors every 80,000 people per day.As stated by the Head of Department of Transportation Prijo Soebiandono Bandung, when met on the sidelines of the record-breaking event for the manufacture of noodles whipped Muri Bandung, Bandung Tegallega Field on Saturday (23/4) morning. "That is because many children who carry out the national exam next week, and there are also general tests that will follow," said PrijoFor you are abused like the city of Bandung and its surrounding attractions by riding motocross, motocross we provide tour packages with a choice of 3 attractive packages through the foot of the mountain paths, both in the north, south, east or west1 package (just motorcycle only)package 2 (bike, shoes, helmet, protector, mechanical, and guide)package 3 (Motor, shoes, pants, shirts, helmets, protectors, mechanical, and lunch)all options include gas and oil .... just ..... live gaaaaassss. : DSuzuki TS 125cc Motor Typesto all package prices by call wrote:Wilman0855 231 7700BB pin 27EB3B51
Paket Wisata offroad A
Bandung, Indonesia
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